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Zhongke Broshare was invited to participate in the 87th China International Medical Equipment (Spring) Expo in 2023

      The 87th China International Medical Devices Expo (Spring) will be held in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center from May 14 to 17, 2023. Hefei Zhongke Boxie Technology Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in this event, and displayed the newly developed respiratory heat metabolism tester 300, arteriosclerosis detector and chronic disease management exercise intervention system.

     The exhibition attracted many medical device buyers and potential customers to understand the products and conduct cooperation negotiations, was highly welcomed by the participants, and reached an initial cooperation intention with hundreds of enterprises and institutions, laying the foundation for the promotion and application of intelligent chronic disease prevention and control system serialized products in the country.

      During the exhibition, the popularity of the exhibition hall exploded, and hot spots rose one after another. The booth is flooded with people, even if it is close to the closing time, there are still exhibitors into the booth to visit and negotiate. The exhibitors spoke highly of this exhibition, and also have higher expectations for the next China International Medical Equipment Expo (Autumn).

      This exhibition is full of harvest, not only to obtain the intention of customers, but also a comprehensive understanding of the status quo in the industry, for technology research and development to expand the idea.


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ADDRESS:9th Floor, Building A1, Hefei Pharmaceutical Valley Industrial Park, Feixi County Economic Development Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Province

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