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2023 Zhongguancun Forum Exhibition (Science and Technology Expo) Opening: Key products of China Science and Technology Expo are invited to participate in the exhibition

The 2023 Zhongguancun Forum Exhibition (Science and Technology Expo) (hereinafter referred to as the "Science and Technology Expo") opened today, with the key product Respiratory Heat Metabolism Tester (Nutrition Metabolism Vehicle) participating in the exhibition.



The Zhongguancun Forum Exhibition (Science and Technology Expo) is organized by the Beijing Council for the Promotion of International Trade, with the annual theme of "Open Cooperation · Shared Future". The exhibition venue is located at the Zhongguancun Exhibition Center in Beijing and the west side of Haidian Park Road. The exhibition showcases six exhibition areas: cutting-edge technology and future industries, information technology and intelligent manufacturing, green dual carbon, medicine and health, digital economy, and regional innovation cooperation, focusing on showcasing blockchain, high-end manufacturing Frontier technological achievements in fields such as gene and cell therapy. This year's Science and Technology Expo consists of four parts: comprehensive activities, exhibition displays, promotion transactions, and online exhibitions. The total area is 27000 square meters, with a exhibition period of 5 days. About 650 enterprises and institutions participated in the exhibition, strengthening the concept of science and technology exhibition. The online exhibition was built on the official website of the Zhongguancun Forum and the official website of the Science and Technology Expo, digitizing the achievements and latest products of participating enterprises and institutions.


Zhongguancun Forum Exhibition (Science and Technology Expo), the China Beijing International Science and Technology Industry Expo, was founded in 1998. It is a large-scale national level international science and technology exchange and cooperation event approved by the State Council and co sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the China National Intellectual Property Administration, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Beijing Municipal People's Government. It is organized by the Beijing Council for the Promotion of International Trade and will be held in conjunction with the Zhongguancun Forum from 2021. According to incomplete statistics, more than 1100 overseas delegations from over 100 countries and regions have participated, with over 40000 participating institutions and enterprises, and a total of over 5.7 million visitors. This provides an important platform for showcasing the achievements of the construction of the Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center, promoting collaborative innovation between government, industry, academia, research and application, and deepening international production capacity cooperation.



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